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In any electoral process, the use of public resources to either give an unfair advantage to a candidate or influence the outcome of the process is a major compromise to its integrity. The creation of an unfair playing field through the introduction of undue powers and resources that facilitate the electoral campaign of one candidate over the other(s), or to promote one idea over others, severely undermines political competitiveness and erodes public confidence in the legitimacy of any electoral process. Put plainly, it corrupts the electoral process to an extent where democracy ceases to have any meaningful value in an electoral contest or referendum situation. It is a blatant, unacceptable affront to the basic principles of democracy and governance.
It is for these reasons that through our partners, Transparency International Kenya, Mzalendo Trust and the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption, this Uchaguzi Huru platform has been created to monitor and report the use of public resources in campaigns. Kenyans in whatever capacity they hold, whether as trained monitors, journalists, public officials, citizens or even anonymously can report any use of public resources that they witness through this portal in a safe, confidential space and be assured that the information they provide through this platform will go a long way towards ensuring fairness in electoral contests through the monitoring and reporting of the use of public resources in campaigns, thereby promoting and protecting the democratic space in Kenya’s electoral system.

Organizational profiles

Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1999 in Kenya with the aim of developing a transparent and corruption free society through good governance and social justice initiatives. It is an autonomous national

Mzalendo (‘Patriot’ in Swahili) Trust is a Kenyan non-partisan Parliamentary Monitoring Organization started in 2005 whose mission is to promote ‘open, inclusive, and accountable parliaments in Kenya and Africa. Mzalendo does this by creating and managing

The African Parliamentarians’ Network against Corruption Kenya (APNAC) is Africa’s leading network of parliamentarians working to strengthen parliamentary capacity to fight corruption and promote good governance. The network aims to coordinate, involve an

Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1999 in Kenya with the aim of developing a transparent and corruption free society through good governance and social justice initiatives. It is an autonomous national

Mzalendo (‘Patriot’ in Swahili) Trust is a Kenyan non-partisan Parliamentary Monitoring Organization started in 2005 whose mission is to promote ‘open, inclusive, and accountable parliaments in Kenya and Africa. Mzalendo does this by creating and managing

The African Parliamentarians’ Network against Corruption Kenya (APNAC) is Africa’s leading network of parliamentarians working to strengthen parliamentary capacity to fight corruption and promote good governance. The network aims to coordinate, involve an